
Mode RN Web Interface

Mode rn wireframe and graphic assets


interface mapping

Mode Realty Network was looking to expand their website and offer additional information and services to their clients. A large part of this effort was mapping user navigation through this new content and integrating it with the existing structure.

The creation of a digital wireframe allowed the developer, designer, and owner to reference a common visual aid and make timely, informed decisions about features and graphics. Working in Adobe XD allowed web-based sharing of the mock-up and quick revisions. This work-flow reduced the burden on the developer and empowered the realization of the owner’s vision by providing a clear visual example without creating rounds of iteration to code.


Graphic assets

The expansion of Mode RN’s website required additional graphic content that would provide clarity to the user and elevate the interface experience. It was important that these graphic assets reinforced the established brand of the company as well as effectively communicated their meaning.